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This is the

Amager, Copenhagen, Denmark
Providing art for our new world since 2006. Music is played, composed and lived language. Our music exists, as a small isolated dialect. Open your ears. Expand your vocabulary Goddance Records is in your house.

Available releases

Available releases (click on titles to go directly to the release)
Out of print and not online

Touching the unknown beyond
together or alone

we all

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HAENDERNE - Sometimes dadaistic conversations bordering to divine discussions, sometimes foul sensorial insults and at other times strangely comforting and relaxing. Fresh fruits for the liberation army. Sometimes they make albums with ven.
Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket
HYKLERSVIN - You think you have heard it all? Think againFrom the darkest side of this planet comes some of the most poetically heavy psychedelic music. Check out the t shirt further down this page.


CHUPACABRA - The high and almighty synthetic.


KUNO - Songs for living and dying, laughing and crying, dancing and prancing...he does all sorts. He backs himself up on acoustic instruments.


His Mouth is an Eye

HIS MOUTH IS AN EYE - Soothing sounds for stressful living, take some time off and explore the world from your couch.

His Mouth is an Eye

His Mouth is an Eye

onsdag den 26. maj 2010

Haenderne - Loven (Goddance 07) Released!!!

Here is finally the full length album by Haenderne, Loven:

Haenderne - Loven
1. Indstiftelse 00:42
2. Om maal og vaegt 06:27
3. Om skikkelighed for retten 01:48
4. Om dommere 04:07
5. Om forfald og skudsmaal 04:50
6. Om plovfred 07:17
7. Om bier og vilde dyr 02:35
8. Om loesagtighed 02:15
9. Om egteskab 01:48
10.Om maning 01:35
11.Om markeder 03:05
12.Om indstaevning til hoejere ret 03:43
13.Om vold og haervaerk 04:14
14.Om vaadis gerning 03:51
15.Aarsager hvorfor Egtefolk maa adskillis 01:50
16.Om den Lydighed mand Lovgiveren og Loven skyldig er 04:52
17.Om skibbrud og vrag 06:37

Goddance 07

If you have ever found yourself getting angry at the way the law works on your life, this is the album that explains it all.

Go ahead and listen to it here:

torsdag den 20. maj 2010

Haenderne med ven (Goddance 08) release!!!

Now we can proudly bring to you the selftitled album:

Haenderne med ven
1. Den helende haand 1.50
2. Det dansende oere 3.42
3. Det mekaniske hjerte 20.24
4. Den vaklende haand 4.22

Goddance 08

In this constellation of Haenderne they are joined by Nikolaj.
It is a more rythmically elaborate experience.
You ought to treat yourself and give it a gentle spin.
No doubt you will find something on this that will lighten up your day.

Get it here:

mandag den 17. maj 2010

Haenderne - Noedvendig sand. Goddance 05 released!!!

The third release from Goddance Records, and the second ep from Haenderne:

Haenderne - Noedvendig sand
1. Herrens sande ansigt 3.43
2. Appetrol 2.53
3. Da haenderne var smaa 1.46
4. Haenderne antager bibelske proportioner del 1 3.32
5. Haenderne antager bibelske proportioner del 2 4.57
6. Nøglerne til kongeriget 4.47

Goddance 05

...this one will show you the bible and will take you through your personal apocalypse.

Listen here, and download if you want to:

Haenderne - Noeglerne til kongeriget. Goddance 04 release!!!

The wu-tang of Goddance hereby releases their first ep:

Haenderne - Noeglerne til kongeriget
1. Arrestation 2.38
2. Wee thig, Elenndig klaffer 2.36
3. Livstegn fra helheden 1.53
4. Hverdag på Amager 2.02
5. Troldbunden 5.51
6. Fortsat diskussion om søn 3.08
7. For konge og fædreland 2.22
8. I skyggen af et tusind år gammelt træ 0.52
9. Morgenstund 1.47
10. Låsen 2.30
11. Limbo om hudpoolen 1.22
12. Guds pris 1.36

Goddance 04

...this record is a guide in your spiritual journey

go to:

for a spin and if you want a download in the format you prefer.

søndag den 16. maj 2010

Hyklersvin - Buphoni. Goddance 06 release!!!

We are proud to present Goddance 06:

Hyklersvin - Buphoni
1. Slangen 2.08
2. 9 kvinder 2.28
3. Ode til fædrelandet 9.57
4. Vi er levende 3.08
5. Faldet 1.43

...a study of experimental black metal folk industial, or just plain old old-school Hyklersvin.

Go to:

and give it a spin and maybe pick it up.

Thank you

mandag den 10. maj 2010


Haenderne can proudly announce that they have finished recording their fourth album.

Haenderne - Loven

Will be out after the other ones, Noeglerne til kongeriget, Noedvendig sand and Haenderne med ven.

It will be even more epic than these as yet unreleased albums.

These are now in the process of being uploaded for your pleasure. Please, no more hatemails we are working as hard as we possibly can and it will not speed things up that we have to apologise every five minutes.

Thank you for your understanding

Urgent update!

Haenderne will be performing:

- at the Homoerotisk Festival
- at 21.00 hours
- Wednesday, May 12.
- at Njalsgade 80 (University of Copenhagen Amager
- at Trappe 17, MEF fredagsbar (Staircase 17)

Be there and be square

fredag den 7. maj 2010

Yet another album is coming up

Wham-bam-a-loom-a for:

Haenderne med ven

coming right after the three other albums...and they are only days away now.

Haenderne show coming up

The Wu-Tang of Goddance, Haenderne, plays at the Homoerotisk Festival wednesday the 12th of May at KUA, Njalsgade, Amager. Many bands will also be playing. More on this soon...