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This is the

Amager, Copenhagen, Denmark
Providing art for our new world since 2006. Music is played, composed and lived language. Our music exists, as a small isolated dialect. Open your ears. Expand your vocabulary Goddance Records is in your house.

Available releases

Available releases (click on titles to go directly to the release)
Out of print and not online

Touching the unknown beyond
together or alone

we all

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HAENDERNE - Sometimes dadaistic conversations bordering to divine discussions, sometimes foul sensorial insults and at other times strangely comforting and relaxing. Fresh fruits for the liberation army. Sometimes they make albums with ven.
Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket
HYKLERSVIN - You think you have heard it all? Think againFrom the darkest side of this planet comes some of the most poetically heavy psychedelic music. Check out the t shirt further down this page.


CHUPACABRA - The high and almighty synthetic.


KUNO - Songs for living and dying, laughing and crying, dancing and prancing...he does all sorts. He backs himself up on acoustic instruments.


His Mouth is an Eye

HIS MOUTH IS AN EYE - Soothing sounds for stressful living, take some time off and explore the world from your couch.

His Mouth is an Eye

His Mouth is an Eye

tirsdag den 16. marts 2010

Transcribing the Airwaves pt. 1

How the world sounds according to the Yachtboy and his pedals anno 2008. At vokse op i en voksen verden. Hear it here. Not for the faint-hearted.

First 78 compilation available

This one includes these tracks:

Bim Bam Boom / Einar Bjørneboe

Santa Lucia / Pacifique Tango-orkestret

Min Bonnie / Yngve Stoor

Civilization (Bongo, Bongo, Bongo) / Svend Asmussens Orkester

Mikkel Mus' Bryllupsmarch / Paul Godwin's danseorkester

Titania / Lajos Kiss

Tabou / Lecuona Cuban Boys

Olha O Côco Sinhá / Zé De Zelda

Be Bop Rag/Arthur ”Guitar Boogie” Smith

The Chant/ Jelly Roll Morton and his Red Hot Peppers

Hawaiian Minder/ Sophus Hansens Hawaiian Orkester

Puszta-Fox/Barnabas von Geczy

Young Woman Blues/Bessie Smith

Really the Blues/Tommy Ladnier and his Orchestra

Tango Jalousie/ Radiotjänst store Underholdningsorkester dirigeret af komponisten

We cannot recommend strongly enough to get some copies of these with better soundquality. These are recorded in a room with microphones and are listenable, but not as high fidelity recordings.

They are here as a tribute to the people who made the music, and to music as such. If anyone should feel we am on the border of the copyright-laws, mail us and we will remove the track you are referring to from the file.

Here it is, with sleeve-notes, pictures and all.

mandag den 15. marts 2010

Guds pris eller den plyndrende knæler - Haenderne (Video)

As an appetizer for destruction here is a small movieadaptation of a part of the upcoming Haenderne album, Nøglerne til Kongeriget. Look at the bottom of the page.

Hyklersvin t-shirt

Hyklersvin gives you the promise that if you take a picture of yourself wearing the t-shirt and send it to, you will get a free unreleased Hyklersvin track.

Page up

Now the page is up. Look out for releases soon from all four acts via Bandcamp. Mp3s will be free/pay what you feel like and better formats will cost something.